Your RFQ for existing Ascend Electronics® Transformers and Inductors

With the below Form, you can request a quotation (RFQ) for existing Ascend Electronics Transformer and Inductor Products.

    I like to get RFQ for the following part number

    Part Number Type*an Ascend Electronics PNa customer PN known to Ascend Electronics

    Enter Part Number* (PN)

    Is this a New Order or a Repeat Order*New OrderRepeat Order

    Requested Quantity for this Order?*

    First-Year Product Forecast and first delivery date

    My Credentials and Contact Information


    First Name*

    Last Name*


    Web Page URL*

    Telephone Number: Country Code - Area Code - Number and extension

    Company Name*




    You can attach Text or PDF files up to 2MB

    How did you hear from us?*

    Check that you are not a robot

    Hint! It is one of these cities: Tokyo, Paris, Washington, Berlin, Bern, New Delhi, Mexico City, Ottawa

    Get your RFQ for your design needs. Each link allows you to submit specific designs and requirements pdf files.

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