Your RFQ selecting or design an Ascend Electronics® Inductors

With the below Form, you can request a quotation (RFQ) for a new design or let us select an existing Ascend Electronics Inductor and Chokes that matches your requirements.

Inductors and Chokes are diverse electronic components used in various applications requiring various types of inductors. These are of different shapes, sizes, and ratings. Their physical sizes vary depending on the power and current being handled and the AC's frequency. We manufacture many different types of inductors and chokes, including high-frequency inductors, power or power supply line inductors, and inductors for general circuits.

The Form allows you to provide us with the first requirement set to select your inductor request. The questioned parameters below will enable us to evaluate the design specification and provide you with an RFQ. So let's get started.

    I like to get RFQ for a Inductor with the following preliminary specification


    Inductor Type* (See above Schematic Reference page 4) Air Coil (Figur 1)Inductor with core (Figur 2)Common Mode Chocks (Figur 3)

    Inductor Current Type* (See above Schematic Reference page 4) AC InductorDC Inductor

    Inductance Unit*HmHuHnH

    Voltage Unit*mVVkV

    Current Unit*uAmAAkA

    AC Frequency*50Hz60Hz50/60Hz400Hzother

    Provide minimum and maximum frequency when other frequency is selected. (See above Transformer Design Expressions->Input Waveforms)



    AC Frequency Waveform*SinusSquare

    Current Unit*uAmAAkA

    Mounting Type*Chasis Mount (Frame & Brackets)PCB Mount Through Hole (Pins)PCB Mount SMD (Pads)

    For the next question, please refer to the document "Schematic Reference" and select one of the figures starting on page 4, "Transformer Inductor and other Magnetics general schematic".

    Which of the figures best describes your inductor needs?*


    If you have an existing Inductor design, please provide Turns, Winding Gage, and Core below. Also, an attached PDF schematic or documentation to this form will help us to provide you with a quick and accurate RFQ.

    Core Description

    Material Ferro-Magnetic or Iron Alloy Core
    Material Ferrite or Powder Core
    Core Gap (if applicable)
    Number of Wire Turns
    Single Wire



    Please add any additional specifics for your design that will help define your inductor. At the end of this form, you also can submit pdf-files

    Additional Specifics


    Max Operating Ambient Temperature in °C*45°C60°C85°C95°C105°C115°C130°C

    Min Operating Ambient Temperature in °C*-50°C-45°C-25°C-15°C0°C

    Desired Temperature Rise in °C30°C45°C60°C75°C90°C105°C

    High Voltage Isolation Class (Coil to Core)1500V2500V5000V7500V10kV> 10kV

    Desired Efficiency in percent

    Desired Regulation in percent

    RFQ specific Information

    YOUR Part/Reference Number*

    Requested Quantity for this Order*

    First-Year Product Forecast and first delivery date

    Credentials and Contact Information


    First Name*

    Last Name*


    Web Page URL*

    Telephone Number: Country Code - Area Code - Number and extension

    Company Name*




    You can attach Text or PDF files up to 2MB

    How did you hear from us?*

    Check that you are not a robot

    Hint! It is one of these cities: Tokyo, Paris, Washington, Berlin, Bern, New Delhi, Mexico City, Ottawa

    Get your RFQ for your design needs. Each link allows you to submit specific designs and requirements pdf files.

    Get in Touch

    For your questions, complaints and enquiries